Did they bees act any differently? To soon to tell. It will be two weeks before I check them again. Hopefully I'll find lots of brood when I do. So now I'll keep feeding both hives with sugar water & pollen patties.
I noticed the natural comb was not made of new wax. Not a surprise as there are so
few brood. They recycled the wax from else where in the hive. It was yellow & filled with flecks of hive debris. I don't think it means anything much. They had a big space to fill and they're supposed to do that.
Next week I'll check to see if Myrina has finished filling her super with comb & honey for Winter.
Next week I'll check to see if Myrina has finished filling her super with comb & honey for Winter.
1 comment:
I will keep my fingers..
and my toes..
and any other anatomical part I can think of..
For good luck!
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