- Vent the hive properly so there's not too much. Some type of top vent...(Check)
- Tilt the hives to promote drainage away from the bees. Down the sides rather than on the bees...(Check)
- Control which surfaces cause condensation by the use of insulation. Such as insulating the top of the Vent Box...(Check, see below)

I'm using 3/4" styrofoam as insulation. This should keep condensation out of the top part of the hive. I left open two vent holes; to the South & East to let the humidity out. I thought about opening the bottom of the SBB a crack but did not. Too easy for a critter to work it's way in and set up shop. The condensation should be less now. I'll monitor of course.
Now this insulated area above the IC provides a good location for Dry sugar to be dumped. As mentioned on the forum dry sugar can help mitigate moisture in the hive by absorbing it. That's good incentive. Plus, Mary's a small colony with half her reserves gone now. I have more honey & pollen frames I'll put in this week but first...
Now this insulated area above the IC provides a good location for Dry sugar to be dumped. As mentioned on the forum dry sugar can help mitigate moisture in the hive by absorbing it. That's good incentive. Plus, Mary's a small colony with half her reserves gone now. I have more honey & pollen frames I'll put in this week but first...
Diner time
I only had a pound of sugar left and gave it all to Mary. I'll pick up a 25# bag tomorrow. The gap between the IC and insulation is 2". I'll see how much sugar I can put in there between refills.
aun Aprendo
Glad to hear the weather has warmed up a bit and allowed you time to do a bit of housekeeping on the hives.
Thanks for sharing the journey!
Hey you. We are very happy about the better weather. I don't remember when snow ever stayed on the ground for a month before. A big bee season lays ahead for us starting in February. April should be crazy with hive splits & honey flow.
Take care.
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