Friday, May 13, 2011


August 15, 2011 - (Combined into Nuc #5)
(post link)
  • End of Nuc #4
  • Queen Pinched
  • All 5 frames placed into DNB for Nuc #5
  • PN put in storage

May 29, 2011
PN = 5 frame, mixed
                          brood frames - 2/5
Queen Spotted = yes
Brood Present = yes
Brood Pattern = good
  • Queen laying

May 25, 2011
r-BB, EF, DHB1, TC 
Queen Spotted = yes
Brood Present = yes (from nuc #3)
Population = Small Swarm, pint and a half of bees
Pests = SHBx1
  • Remove BB, EF, DHB1, TC
  • Add 5 frame plastic nuc (PN)
  • Add 1 foundationless frame

May 20, 2011
r-BB,  DHB1, TC
  • Remove 5 frames (for Nuc #5)
  • Add Entrance Feeder (EF) & 1:1 syrup (internally)
  • Add 1 Medium brood frame from Nuc #3
  • Bees still not active

May 14, 2011
r-BB, DHB1, TC
Queen Spotted = yes
  • Queen found
  • Bees not working??

May 13, 2011
r-BB, DHB1, TC
DHB1 = 10 frame, mixed
                                   brood frames = 0/9
Queen Spotted = no
Brood Present = no, New Swarm Nuc
Brood Pattern = no, New Swarm Nuc
Drone Cells = no, New Swarm Nuc 
Population = Small Swarm, pint and a half of bees
Condensation = no
Pests = no
  • Add all Equipment
  • Bees from Myrina's Swarm
  • Reduce Entrance
  • No proper equipment available
  • Frames are undrawn Plasticell & Foundationless
* ____________________________________________________________*

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