Tuesday, April 20, 2010


November 20, 10 - (Combined with Mary 11, 20, 10)
(post link)
r-SBB(c), DHB1, DHB2, IC, T-cover
DHB1 = 10 frames, Plasticell foundation
Brood Frames = 0/10
DHB2 = 10 frames, Crimped-wire foundation
Brood Frames = 0/10
Queen spotted = yes, (no), didn't look
Brood Present= yes, (no), didn't look
Brood Pattern = solid, spotty, (n/a)
Drone Cells = yes, (no
), didn't look
Population = critical, low, (moderate), good, high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests =SHB (4 found)
  • End of Duchess
  • Combined DHB2 with Mary
  • All extra bees shook into Mary
  • Removed SBB, DHB1, IC, VB, T-cover
  • All DHB1 frames into freezer 
  • SHB Found in DHB1

November 13, 10
(post link)
r-SBB(c), DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover
DHB1 = 10 frames, Plasticell foundation
Brood Frames = 0/10
DHB2 = 10 frames, Crimped-wire foundation
Brood Frames = 0/10
Queen spotted = yes, (no), didn't look
Brood Present= yes, (no), didn't look
Brood Pattern = solid, spotty, (n/a)
Drone Cells = yes, (no
), didn't look
Population = critical, low, moderate, (good), high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests = ?
  • Possibly Queenless (post link)
  • Add Apistan Treatment
  • Remove HTF
  • Add IC
  • Insulate VB

November 1, 10
(post link)
r-SBB(c), DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover
  • Mite Count (24 hour drop/sticky board) = 103

October 24, 10
(post link)
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover 
DHB1 = 10 frames, Plasticell foundation
Brood Frames = 1/10
DHB2 = 10 frames, Crimped-wire foundation
Brood Frames = 5/10
Queen spotted = yes, (no), didn't look
Brood Present= (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Pattern = solid, (spotty), n/a
Drone Cells = yes, (no
), didn't look
Population = critical, low, moderate, (good), high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests = None
  • Clean out SBB
  • Clean off Stand 
  • Cleaned off frame rests
  • Remove block reducer
  • Add Shim reducer
  • Add 1qt warm water to crystallized syrup in HTF
  • Close beneath SBB with luan board

October 21, 10
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover 
  •  Add 1 gal of 'Fumagilin' 2:1 syrup - 1tbs ACV/gal

October 14, 10
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover 
  •  Add 1 gal of 2:1 syrup - one Tbs apple cider vinegar/gal

October 4, 10
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover 
  •  Add 1 gal of 2:1 syrup - one Tbs apple cider vinegar/gal

September 27, 10
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover 
  •  Add 1 gal of 1:1 syrup - one Tbs apple cider vinegar/gal

September 20, 10
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover 
  •  Add 1 gal of 1:1 syrup - one Tbs apple cider vinegar/gal

September 13, 10
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, T-cover 
  •  Add 1 gal of 1:1 syrup - one Tbs apple cider vinegar/gal

September 6, 10
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, IC, VB, T-cover 
DHB1 = 10 frames, Plasticell foundation
Brood Frames = ?/10
DHB2 = 10 frames, Crimped-wire foundation
Brood Frames = ?/10
Queen spotted = yes, no, (didn't look)
Brood Present= (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Pattern = (solid), spotty, n/a
Drone Cells = (yes), no
, didn't look
Population = critical, low, moderate, (good), high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests = None
  •  Remove Entrance Feeder (EF)
  • Add HTF
  • Remove IC
  • Add 1 gal of 1:1 syrup - one Tbs apple cider vinegar/gal
  • Remove Drone frame in DHB1
  • Add CW frame in DHB1

May 31, 10
(post link)
r-SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover 
DHB1 = 10 frames, Plasticell foundation
Brood Frames = 6/10
DHB2 = 10 frames, Crimped-wire foundation
Brood Frames = 2/10
Queen spotted = (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Present= (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Pattern = (solid), spotty, n/a
Drone Cells = (yes), no
, didn't look
Population = critical, low, (moderate), good, high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests =Ants
  • Queen on frame # 7, DHB1 (Drone Frame)
  • Remove HTF
  • Add Entrance Feeder (EF) , 1 qt
  • Remove shim reducer
  • Add block reducer
  • Remove ant nest 

May 25, 10
(post link)
SBB, DHB1, DHB2, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover
DHB1 = 10 frames, Plasticell foundation
DHB2 = 10 frames, Crimped-wire foundation
Population = critical, low, (moderate), good, high
Current Pests = Ants 
  • Clean dead ants from syrup in HTF
  • Found green mold on T-cover
  • Waxed mold spot on T-cover
  • Frames 5 & 6 in DHB2 drawn out

May 16, 10
SBB, DHB1, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover
  • Add 1 Deep Hive Body (DHB2)
  • Add 10 crimped-wire wax foundation frames
  • Sprayed frames with sugar syrup

May 14, 10
SBB, DHB1, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover
Frames per box = 10

DHB1 Foundation  = Plasticell
Queen spotted = yes, (no), didn't look
Brood Present= (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Pattern = (solid), spotty, n/a
Frames with Brood = 6/10, didn't look
Drone Cells = (yes), no
, didn't look
Population = critical, low, (moderate), good, high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests = None
  • All but 3 frames drawn out (1,9,10)
  • Some capped drone cells on Drone frame
  • Add 1 gallon of 1:1 syrup to HTF
  • Hatching workers on frame 5

May 2, 10
SBB, DHB1, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover
  • Add 1 gallon of 1:1 syrup 
  • Open bottom of SBB

April 28, 10
SBB(c), DHB1, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover
Frames per box = 10

DHB1 Foundation  = Plasticell
Queen spotted = (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Present= (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Pattern = solid, spotty, (n/a)
Frames with Brood = 2/10, didn't look
Drone Cells = yes, (no
), didn't look
Population = critical, low, (moderate), good, high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests = None
  • Bees clustered on frames 4 - 7
  • Frames 4 - 7 mostly drawn out
  • Queen Released
  • Queen on frame 5
  • Eggs on frame 5 & 6
  • Drone frame partially drawn & filled with honey
  • Some capped honey on frame 4
  • Queen cage removed
  • 2 Supercedure cells on frame 6 
April 27, 10
SBB(c), DHB1, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover
Frames per box = 10

DHB1 Foundation  = Plasticell
Queen spotted = yes, no, (didn't look)
Brood Present= yes, no, (didn't look)
Brood Pattern = solid, spotty, (n/a)
Frames with Brood = 0/10, (didn't look)
Drone Cells = yes, no
, (didn't look)
Population = critical, low, (moderate), good, high
Condensation = (none), minor, major
Current Pests = None
  • Gallon of medicated 1:1 syrup gone
  • Add 1/2 gallon regular 1:1 syrup to HTF

April 20, 10
(post link)
SBB(c), DHB1, HTF, VB, IC, T-cover
Frames per box = 10

DHB1 Foundation  = Plasticell
Queen spotted = (yes), no, didn't look
Brood Present= yes, (no), didn't look
Brood Pattern = solid, spotty, (n/a)
Frames with Brood = 0/10
Drone Cells = yes, (no)
Population = critical, low, (moderate), good, high
Condensation = (none), minor, major

Current Pests = None
  • Installed 3lb package from Wilbanks Apiary, Georgia
  • Queen marked blue at Wilbanks
  • All Equipment new
  • 9 frames rewaxed Plasticell
  • Add one Pierco Drone frame
  • SBB closed on bottom
  • Feed with 1:1 syrup with Fumagilin & ACV, 1 gal
  • Hive on new stand
  • Entrance reduced
Day One for this Colony

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