Monday, May 16, 2011

Inspection 5/16/11

Mary & Nuc#3
Sunny moments in between rain showers

Since Myrina swarmed I've wanted to inspect Mary.  For a while there she was showing lots of Chalkbrood dropped out in front of the hive and the amount of field bees seemed diminished.

The honey super was a sad sight.  The bees are now drawing out the comb, but slowly.  However they are making many drone size cells so the comb will be great for honey production.  I moved the drawn or drawing frames to the side and placed the empties in the middle; trying to spur the drawing out of those frames too.  Beautiful new wax

The Top brood box looked like this (from left to right):
  1. Plasticell - little honey - open cells - Brood
  2. Plasticell - little honey - open cells - Brood
  3. Plasticell - little honey - open cells - Brood - many swarm cups/ removed
  4. Plasticell - little honey - open cells - Brood
  5. Crimped wire - little honey - open cells - Brood
  6. Plasticell - honey - open cells - Brood
  7. Natural comb - no honey - open cells - All Drone frame/comb cut out - Queen
  8. Plasticell - little honey - open cells - Brood
  9. Plasticell - honey bound
  10. Plasticell - honey bound - returned to position #1
Not much in the way of honey or pollen.  Plenty brood both young and old.  Very, very little chalkbrood.  Both Mary and her spun off nuc have the CB.  For some reason Mary always has it.  The solid drone frames have been popping up lately.  I cut off all the comb but left enough at the top for the bees to have a guide.  This, i hope, opens up the brood nest enough to dissuade them from swarming.  The copious amount of queen cups in the swarm position was unnerving.

Bottom brood box:
  1. Plasticell - honey - pollen frame
  2. Plasticell - little honey - pollen frame - Brood
  3. Plasticell - very little honey - open cells - Brood
  4. Crimped wire - very little honey - open cells - Brood
  5. Plasticell - little honey - open cells - Brood
  6. Crimped wire - honey - open cells
  7. Plasticell - honey - open cells
  8. Plasticell - honey bound
  9. Plasticell - honey bound - returned to position #2
  10. Plasticell - honey bound - returned to position #1
More honey and less brood in this box.  There is enough open cells & undrawn frames in this hive to keep them from swarming, i hope.  With some of the honey comb reaching the bottom of the frames I'll add an excluder soon.  If it looks like it's getting crowded I may replace a honey bound frame with a foundationless one.  The colony looks OK for now.  The plan is to requeen her anyway.

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Next was the split made from the neighbor's colony that i call Nuc#3.  These bees are the hardest working bees I know.  The first to flight each morning and the last to rest every night.  The Nuc, a 9 frame deep box, is full with brood and honey.  Sadly the parent frames are Mediums.  The bees have taken to drawing comb tangentially to the bottom of the 5 smaller frames.  I cut it all out then rearranged the frames so each small frame was bracketed by larger frames.  That should straighten out the bottom comb.

The bees have little room left though.  I need to add another deep as soon as I can.  This was suppose to be a Nuc but she's turned into a full colony.  I guess that happens when you start out with 5 frames of bees.

There's a hitch to it though.  I am going to requeen Mary with the queen from Nuc#3.  Then let Nuc#3 make herself another queen.  Mary will then become as productive as this awesome Nuc/Hive.  I plan on requeening this weekend.

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