Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Colony Coming Soon

Next week I'll order a package of bees through the Piedmont Beekeepers Association who is presenting the Beginners class. They will come from Georgia with a marked queen. Delivery date is currently near the end of April.

This will be the first time I start a hive with a package. When I got my first 2 hives they were already established (unknown how many years old) and filled with wax, brood, pollen, & nectar (and nosema, varroa, & waxmoth in Mary). So I've never seen a colony start from the beginning. The best part is all the new wooden ware. With Mary & Myrina I had to start replacing parts piece-meal from day One. Neither of them has ever had all new parts.

Things I must do first:
  1. Build & paint all wooden ware
  2. Select hive location & build stand
  3. Add Chronolog to Blog
  4. Read up on installing packages
  5. Pray it won't be raining when they show up.


  1. You're going to love starting from a package. Its fun to see them in the hive the first day with empty frames, and watch them week by week as they build comb and make a new home. I'm going to Dadant in Chatham this week to pick up a spare hive for swarms..just to have on hand in case I find one. If I don't, then I'm sure I'll use it next year!

  2. Mark,

    Yes I am looking forward to it. They say after the bees go in to leave them alone for a week or two. That will be difficult!

    Mark Bennett was just at our club meeting last week. I ordered this years equipment from him and he brought it to the meeting. Good deal!

    Extra boxes are a must. I'm thinking of putting a Swarm kit in my truck in case i need it some time.

